Submission Instructions
Abstract Submission
Use the 'Submit an Abstract' link in the menu to submit your abstract for the ScoRRF 12th Annual Scientific Meeting 7th November 2024
Instructions for Authors
Abstracts must be submitted online, where you will be guided through the process. Any abstracts submitted on paper or in a format other than specified will be rejected. Submitted abstracts should include some unpublished data but may also include previously published material.
Deadline for Submissions
Monday 10th October 2024
Abstract Presentations
All submissions will be reviewed and
four abstracts will be selected for oral presentation. Other high quality abstracts will be selected for poster presentation. Authors will be notified of the decision as soon as possible after the closing date.
Submission of Abstracts
Click on the 'Submit an Abstract' link and follow the submission instructions carefully and in particular please note:
Abstracts are not edited by the the organisers and author corrections will NOT be accepted after final submission. Abstracts should therefore be checked carefully for accuracy prior to submission.
Authors’ names and Institutions should be provided. The submitting author should be the presenting author.
Abstracts should be a maximum of 250 words.
Abstracts should be structured using the following headings: Background, Aims/Objectives, Methods/Results, Conclusions.